3 Twins

NYC / Herald Square Theatre / 1908

(A musical in two acts)
Setting: On the beach at Sea View; Reception room of Dr. Hartman's sanitarium

Opening Night Production Credits
Produced by Joseph M. Gaites; Music by Karl Hoschna; Book by Charles Dickson; Based on the farce "Incog." by Mrs. R. Pacheco
Lyrics by Otto A. Hauerbach; Lyrics for "(The) Yama Yama Man" by Collin Davis; Musical Director: DeWitt C. Coolman
Staged by Gus Sohlke; Scenic Design by P. Dodd Ackerman; Costume Design by Orange Manufacturing Company


(back cover)

Opening Night Cast:

Martin Brown - Ned Maryland (in love with Isabel)
Clifton Crawford - Tom Stanhope (his father's son)
Willard Curtiss - Harry Winters (Molly's expected bridegroom)
Bessie McCoy - Molly Sommers (always happy)
Alice Yorke - Kate Armitage (Tom's sweetheart)
Ida Adams - Summer Girl (Boo Hoo Tee Hee Girl)
Joseph Allen - General Stanhope (a martyr to dyspepsia)
Daisy Appelt - (Bathing Girl)
Jessica Berg - (Summer Girl, Boo Hoo Tee Hee Girl, Sanitarium Visitor)
Florence Blake - (Summer Girl, Boo Hoo Tee Hee Girl, Sanitarium Visitor)
Anna Boyd
Marjorie Cogan
Harry Collins - (Tennis Boy, Attendant)
Hattie DeVon - (Summer Girl, Boo Hoo Tee Hee Girl, Sanitarium Visitor)
Rae Dixon - (Bathing Girl, Boo Hoo Tee Hee Girl)
Mabel Elmore - (Boating Boy, Yama Yama Girl)
Helen Falconer - (Boating Boy, Yama Yama Girl)
Connie Farber - (Richard Winters-Dick's son, Boating Boy, Yama Yama Girl)
Irene Farber - (Boating Boy, Yama Yama Girl)
Ethel Fawcett - (Bathing Girl)
Charles Fitz - (Tennis Boy, Attendant)
W. J. Ford - (Tennis Boy, Attendant)
Laura Gaynelle - (Boating Boy, Yama Yama Girl)
Ernest Geyer - (Tennis Boy, Attendant)
Viola Grant - (Bathing Girl)
Walter Jenkins - (Tennis Boy, Attendant)
Joseph Kaufman - (Dick Winters-somewhat nervous)
Frances Kennedy - (Mrs. Dick Winters-a cheerful weeper)
Blanche LaMasney - (Bathing Girl) Lillian Lawson
Dixie Leigh - (Boating Boy, Yama Yama Girl)
Bessie Leonard - (Boating Boy, Yama Yama Girl)
T. C. MacMahon - (Tennis Boy, Attendant)
Florrie Madison - (Bathing Girl, Boo Hoo Tee Hee Girl)
George Mansfield - (Tennis Boy, Attendant)
W.J. McCarthy - (Dr. Siegfried Hartman, B.U.G.N.U.T.)
Jo. McIntyre - (Bessie Winters-Dick's daughter, Boating Boy, Yama Yama Girl)
C. McKinley - (Tennis Boy, Attendant)
Irene McLaughlin - (Summer Girl, Boo Hoo Tee Hee Girl, Sanitarium Visitor)
Tom McMahon - (Matthew, an attendant)
Eva Mull - (Boating Boy, Yama Yama Girl Alice Packard - (Bathing Girl)
Theresa Powers - (Summer Girl, Boo Hoo Tee Hee Girl, Sanitarium Visitor)
George Ross - (Tennis Boy, Attendant)
S. Sommerville - (Tennis Boy, Attendant)
Clara Stanton - (Summer Girl, Boo Hoo Tee Hee Girl)
Virginia Steinhardt - (Summer Girl, Boo Hoo Tee Hee Girl, Sanitarium Visitor)
Jessie Stoner - (Summer Girl, Boo Hoo Tee Hee Girl, Sanitarium Visitor)
Richard Taber
Stella Tracy
Mona Trieste - (Summer Girl, Boo Hoo Tee Hee Girl, Sanitarium Visitor)
Florence Willard - (Isabel Howard-the General's ward)
Hazel Williams - (Boating Boy, Yama Yama Girl)
Blanche Wilson - (Boo Hoo Tee Hee Girl)

3 Twins opened on Broadway June 15, 1908 and (due to a fire at Herald Square Theatre)
closed at the Majestic Theatre March 20, 1909 for a total of 289 performances.

(Full run: 6/15/1908 - 12/22/1908 / Herald Square Theatre, and 1/18/1909 - 3/20/1909 / Majestic Theatre)

(Actual program measures only 3" x 4 1/4" -- unusually tiny)

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